
František Švec

prof. Ing. František Švec, DrSc.

Neuron Award 2023 in chemistry

Neuron Award for the development of advanced porous polymers and their application in analytical chemistry and separation science

Tomáš Slanina

RNDr. Tomáš Slanina, Ph.D.

Neuron Award 2023 for Promising Scientists in chemistry

Neuron Award 2023 for Promising Scientists in chemistry. Awarded for research results in the field of chemical processes controlled by light.

Pavel Hobza

prof. Pavel Hobza, dr. h. c.

Neuron Prize 2022 in chemistry

One of the most important Czech scientists at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries

Mariya Shamzhy

Mgr. Mariya Shamzhy, Ph.D.

Neuron Prize 2022 for Promising Scientists in chemistry

For research on porous materials

Hana Macickova Cahova

Hana Macickova Cahova

Neuron Award laureate for young scientists for the discovery of a new structure in RNA in chemistry.

Hana Macíčková Cahová discovers new chemical structures in RNA

Emil Paleček

prof. RNDr. Emil Paleček, DrSc.

Laureate Neuron Prize for Lifelong Contribution to Science 2017 – Chemistry

Petr Cígler

Mgr. Petr Cígler, PhD.

Bearer Neuron Impuls 2017 – Chemistry

Lukasz Cwiklik

Dr. hab. Lukasz Cwiklik, PhD.

Bearer Neuron Impuls 2017 – Chemistry

Maksym Opanasenko

Maksym Opanasenko, PhD.

Bearer Neuron Impuls 2017 – Chemistry

The goal of project is the design of solid polymer-zeolite nanocomposites mimicking the homogeneou catalytic systems

Josef Michl

prof. Josef Michl, Ph.D.

Laureate Neuron Prize for Lifelong Contribution to Science 2016 – Chemistry

Petr Slavíček

prof. RNDr. Petr Slavíček, Ph.D.

Neuron Award Laureate for Young Scientists 2016 – Chemistry

Zdeněk Sofer

doc. Ing. Zdeněk Sofer, Ph.D.

Bearer Neuron Impuls 2016 – Chemistry

Pavla Eliášová

Mgr. Pavla Eliášová, Ph.D.

Bearer Neuron Impuls 2016 – Chemistry

Jan Macák

Dr. Ing. Jan Macák

Neuron Award Laureate for Young Scientists 2015 – Chemistry

Richard Štefl

doc. Mgr. Richard Štefl, PhD.

Bearer Neuron Impuls 2015 – Chemistry

Josef Paldus

prof. RNDr. Josef Paldus, DrSc., dr. h. c., FRSC

Laureate Neuron Prize for Lifelong Contribution to Science 2015 – Chemistry

Jiří Čížek

prof. RNDr. Jiří Čížek, DrSc., dr. h. c., FRSC

Laureate Neuron Prize for Lifelong Contribution to Science 2014 – Chemistry

Jana Roithová

prof. Jana Roithová, PhD.

Neuron Award Laureate for Young Scientists 2014 – Chemistry

Michal Otyepka

prof. RNDr. Michal Otyepka, PhD.

Bearer Neuron Impuls 2014 – Chemistry

Rudolf Zahradník

prof. Ing. Rudolf Zahradník, DrSc., Dr. h. c.

Laureate Neuron Prize for Lifelong Contribution to Science 2013 – Chemistry

Prokop Hapala

Ing. Prokop Hapala, Ph.D.

Laureate of the Neuron Prize 2021 for promising young scientists in the field of chemistry

For clarification and theoretical elaboration of basic principles of the new microscopic method with ultra-high resolution