Neuron Expedition in search of longevity gene

The scientific team of Prof. Václav Brázda, consisting of representatives of the Institute of Biophysics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Ostrava, set off on August 1st to the shark sanctuary in Reynisfjara Bay, Iceland, to contribute to the understanding of the nature of their longevity.

"The p53 protein regulates a number of other proteins, so if we know how the regulatory pathways differ in a shark that lives to 400 years and a human that lives to be eighty, we can target the signaling pathway that is activated or decreased in the shark. And the regulation of this signaling pathway could thus also lead to potential targeting in humans," says Václav Brázda about the objectives of the Neuron Expedition For the Longevity of the Smallhead Shark.

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